Monday, September 14, 2009

Hi God, it's Me" E-mail message to God on a Tuesday afternoon (Dateline May 2004)

Hi God. It's me (again). My kids hate me. They told me so today.

They hate me because I make them eat dinner and cut off snacks at 3p.m.

They hate me because they can't eat sugar at every meal and snacks at our house means apples and bananas (not quite what they had in mind).

They hate me because I make them take baths at night and comb their hair in the morning.

They hate me because I make them get up for school on time and wear clothes that aren't ragged and dirty.

They hate me because I make them clean up their messes, show respect to their elders and learn their table manners.

They hate me because I demand respect, personal responsibility and truthfulness. My children hate me because they have an early bed time, enough sleep and plenty of outside play time, yes, even when it snows!

My children hate me because they have updated vaccinations (let's not even go there), and I am strong enough to hold them while they scream during multiple shots (one of the side effects of adopting an older child).

Teach me Lord how to respond to people who remark to me that my children are well behaved in public, instead of gritting my teeth thinking of the hours and days and multiple repetitions that went into training my children in proper rules of behaviour.

Teach me Lord to remember that loving a child is a lifetime committment, and I'm in it for the long run, even after days like today.

Hallelluiah, my children hate me. Thank you, Lord, Amen

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